Industry news

Most companies do not always offer Sunday parcel delivery. It doesn't mean that the consumers don't want the same. Though not everyone wants the Sunday deliveries, a good number is for it. A survey showed that the view on this delivery varies from one person to the other. Age also plays a significant role in determining what people think of the same.

Survey on Sunday Parcel Delivery

In an article by FreightWaves, Pitney Bowes Inc. carried out a survey on Sunday parcel delivery. They took a total of 2200 people for the survey. About 41% said that Sunday home deliveries are essential to them. Around 53% said that it is not important to them. 6% of them stated they had no opinion on the matter. They carried out the survey back in July.

The survey results were based on age and the place these people stayed. Around 56% of millennials and 53% of urban dwellers said they were for Sunday deliveries. This group prefers quick deliveries for their orders. It is the opposite for other people. About 60% of rural residents and 71% of baby boomers said this delivery is not at the top of their priority list. People in rural areas are used to not having the option to receive parcels on Sundays. Older people are not so much into quick deliveries.

Pitney Bowes was surprised by the numbers from the survey. Around 75% of the same people felt that the Sunday delivery wouldn't be possible. They felt that it is not realistic. Most of them are used to Sunday not being a delivery day. 40% said that if they made an order on Friday, they would expect it latest by Tuesday. 39% believed that they would expect the delivery by Wednesday. Only 21% said that they expect it by Monday. Every customer has their view on what fast delivery is.

Delivery Companies View on Sunday Parcel Delivery

Delivery companies have their view on this matter. They think Sunday delivery is something not possible at the moment. UPS Inc. does not offer this service. The U.S. Postal Service offers the service, but mainly for Amazon.com Inc. FedEx Ground is scaling down on Sunday delivery since they think it's unproductive. They have suspended the same for part of their network. Sunday delivery is not something usual for most people. It, however, is something that they would appreciate if they had it.

Sunday Parcel Delivery

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